Monday, May 6, 2019

603 Is On Fire!

Trick lights up the studio with the hottest back to back podcast to date. This episode is a back to back extravaganza with a plethora of cover tunes that are smoking! How you say? Well, on this podcast the studio is on fire!

"Light My Fire" 
with Dread Zeppelin and The Del Rubio Triplets
"Ring of Fire" 
with The Earls of Suave and The Bobs
"Play With Fire" 
with The Beau Brummels and Twice As Much
"This Wheels On Fire" 
with The Byrds and The Band
with Elvis and Robert Gordon
"Fight Fire" 
with The Golliwogs and Southern Culture On The Skids
with Pickin' On Hendrix and Jimi Hendrix
with The Crazy World of Arthur Brown Live VS the Studio
"Fire and Rain" (James Taylor) - The Isley Brothers

Told you this was one smokin' podcast!

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