Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's June, and I'm Cleaning House !

O.K., here's the deal. The staff is on vacation so what better time to "clean house" figuratively, of course. So join me, your host Capt. Planet, as I and a few of my closest pals carry out the music trash, put out the yard sale sign, and rid ourselves of these melodious leftovers. And remember, everybody must go home with's an unwritten garage sale rule. Well, now I guess it's a written one!?!

Here's what I have...and it's cheap, too!
Alcatraz "Twofer Sale"- Leon Russell and Jesse Ed Davis
Coffee Cup - Marc Benno
Hot Tamale Man - Jimmy "T99" Nelson
I Put A Spell On You - Jeff Beck
Downtown Woman Nadine - Southwest FOB
Cigarettes - Mud Morganfield
I'm Going To Dallas - John Campbell
I'm Going To Texas - Jimmy Carl Black
Miller Time!
My Favorite Record - If Heartaches Were Nickels - Leslie West
Cha-cha-cha Blues Theme - Phil Upchurch

After . . .

Click here to see "Before".

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